Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Use An A/C Drain To Water Plants

If you have an air conditioning unit, you may have noticed that there is a small pipe attached to it that has water draining out of it. The pipe is a drain for A/C condensate. A/C Condensate is water vapor that is pulled from the air by your air conditioner as it works to cool the environment inside your home. This water is mineral free, pure water that, if collected, can be recycled. While A/C condensate is not pleasant to drink, your plants care very little about the flavor of water. Watering your plants with A/C condensate is one way to recycle the water while at the same time saving on the cost of your water bill. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place the 5 gallon bucket under the drainpipe for your A/C condensate.

2. Check the water level of the bucket daily.

3. Pour the water onto your plants when the bucket becomes full.

4. Put a rain barrel with a spigot beneath the pipe if your air conditioning unit produces more than 5 gallons of water daily.

5. Set a watering can beneath the spigot and fill it with condensate water. Water your plants using the water from the watering can.

Tags: your plants, conditioning unit, with condensate