Monday, September 15, 2014

Build Garden Water Features

Build Garden Water Features

Water garden features range from high-maintenance cascading waterfalls and fountains to a single simple barrel filled with water and aquatic plants. Ponds with fish and plants create cool spots on hot summer days. The water garden can be either the flashy focal point of your outdoor space or a decorative addition to your deck or patio. Does this Spark an idea?


Build Garden Water Features

1. Decide where you want your water feature. A flat space in your garden will be the easiest.

2. Buy a molded plastic basin, or construct a basin out of concrete. Dig a hole for the basin to sit in firmly so that the edge is at ground level. If you leave the basin above ground, make sure it's on a flat surface and build a decorative wall around it or surround it with earth.

3. Add a fountain. Purchase one at a garden center or create your own out of a small pump and an attractive waterproof container like a glazed flowerpot.

4. Fill the basin with water and decorate with river rocks, stones or colorful ceramic pieces. Create a waterfall by stacking rocks and adding a bubbler or hose to carry water to the top of the stack.

5. Use plants that are appropriate for a water garden feature. It will take up to two weeks to condition the water in your garden, so don't add the plants immediately. Potential toxins like bleach found in tap water may kill the plants.

6. Introduce fish into your pond after the water has been conditioned. Fish will have a greater chance of surviving if you add a pump with a filter.

7. Build a simple water garden feature by hanging a rain chain from the eave of your home. Rainwater runs down the chain into a decorative container. The water you conserve this way can be used to keep your garden fresh when it's not rainy.

Tags: Build Garden, Build Garden Water, Garden Water, Garden Water Features, Water Features, your garden, garden feature