Monday, September 1, 2014

Patio Fountain Ideas

Three-tiered fountain

Fountains add a relaxing and serene element to patio gardens of all shapes and sizes. These water features can gurgle, tumble or spray water, with or without a pond or pool to capture the cascade. They can be as elaborate as a freestanding, towering multi-tiered formal fountain or a simple bubbler hose in a terracotta flower pot. It can be the center of attention or tucked away in an otherwise unused and unattractive corner. There's a patio fountain design to fit every budget. Does this Spark an idea?

Small Spaces

Small bubbling fountain

A container fountain is ideal for small patios, apartment balconies, or back porch havens. These small fountains use re-circulating pumps and are often made from materials you already have. One large flower pot filled with rocks to steady the water tube makes an ideal bubbling fountain. Multiple and varied size planters or old pots and pans bolted together at odd angles lends itself to a cascading waterfall fountain. Ornate and thrift store find tin or metal objects add character and individuality to a small patio fountain. Seal terracotta pots with two coats of a water sealant and waterproof other non-watertight containers with plastic.

Gathering Places

Mid-size patios where friends and family get together offer options for larger fountain designs. Convert a simple concrete bird bath into a bubbling fountain by adding a pump. Add whimsical or elegant garden characters and conceal the bubbler hose in the design. If the patio is large enough, cluster three bird baths together to create a larger water feature or space place them throughout the patio area. A mid-size patio can support freestanding or wall fountains. Wall fountains may have a tray to collect cascading water or they can drip through to a pooling pond below. The style of wall fountain makes a difference in how loud the water feature will be.

Artistic Fountains

Large patio fountain

Large patios are great places to show off large fountains that are artistic architectural designs in themselves. Whether professionally designed or do-it-yourself, large patio fountains add style and atmosphere to the home. Types of traditional fountains include formal multi-tiered round fountains, whole wall water features or wading pools with centerpiece bubbling fountains. More avant garde styles of large patio fountains include ones that use existing hillsides to channel natural water runoffs designs incorporated into the roof gutter system to collect cascading water into a stylish rain barrel-type catch basin to use again. Square or rectangle pool-type fountains can provide additional built-in seating around the fountain. Large boulders can be made into natural water fountain features. Fabricate a fountain with left over building materials, such as patio bricks or pavers. Add a garden statute to be the conduit for the water in the fountain.

Tags: bubbling fountain, patio fountain, bubbler hose, cascading water, collect cascading, collect cascading water