Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Facts About Recycling Water

Facts About Recycling Water

Water recycling is going to become a bigger issue as the 21st century progresses. A recent EPA study showed that at least 36 states are anticipating some water shortage by 2013. This will make water-recycling techniques a hot commodity. Does this Spark an idea?

Water Recycling in Industry

Many industries use water to cool the process of creating their product. This water is mostly recycled back through intakes indefinitely because it contains little or no pollution.

Municipal Water Recycling

Many municipalities recycle water by treating waste water and releasing the treated water back into the same reservoir the water was originally taken from.

Environmental Impacts

Water recycling can have a positive effect on an sensitive habitats in a region. By recycling treated waste water, less new, untouched water is taken from these often-troubled ecosystems.

Recycling Water at Home

Homeowners can recycle grey water and rainwater at home with the appropriate equipment. Simply having a bucket handy or a rain barrel allows a person to collect water that can be used on plants.

Benefits to Humans

Besides helping to preserve fragile ecosystems, recycling water can also save homeowners money. The average American home spends $1.50 on 1,000 gallons of water; over a year that can add up to some savings.

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