Friday, December 11, 2015

Calculate Volume Online

Many Volume Calculators Can Be Found on the Internet

You must know the volume of a barrel if you need to store liquids, such as wine, fuel or water. Knowing the volume of a barrel lets you determine how many gallons of liquid a barrel contains.

With the online barrel calculator from ABE volume (see References below), you can easily determine a barrel's volume in terms of cubic length units, such as cubic inches, liquid gallon units or any number of other volume units. For this example, we will use the ABE calculator to determine the volume of a barrel in cubic inches and liquid gallons.


1. Determine the radii of your barrel. Use a barrel that has circular ends that are the same size (have the same radius) and whose center radius is significantly larger than the end radii. Write down the values of the radius for the circular ends and for the barrel's center circle. Write down the height of the barrel--that is the distance between the circular ends of the barrel. Use, for this example, barrel end-radii with a length of 2 inches, a barrel center radius of 3 inches and a barrel height of 4 inches.

2. Enter in the barrel's dimensions into the ABE calculator. Assume all units are entered as inches. Your answer will be given in cubic inches. Enter in the radius for the center of the barrel in the (RAD1) text box. Now type in the radius for the circular ends of the barrel in the radius two (RAD2) text box. Now, enter the height of the barrel in the HEIGHT text box. Enter in for this example, 3 in the RAD1 text box, 2 in the RAD2 text box and 4 in the HEIGHT text box.

3. Calculate the volume in cubic inches. Click with the mouse the "calculate button" on the ABE calculator page. Note the result displayed in the VOLUME text box. For the barrel dimensions entered, the volume is 92.15 cubic inches. Copy the result so that you can use it to convert the volume in cubic inches to gallons on the ABE unit conversion calculation page.

4. Convert to gallons. Go to Unit Conversion Page link at the bottom of the ABE's calculator page. Select the type of calculation you just performed from the table of selections that appears. Select the "volume" option, since the calculation you performed was a volume calculation.

Review the conversion table that appears. Note the labels for each of the table's cells. Select the cubic inches cell entry since the dimensions you entered in were assumed to be inches. Place your cursor in the table cell underneath the cubic inches label and type in the volume result obtained in Step 2: 92.15. Click the "Click to Calculate" button.

Determine the volume in different units. Note that all the table cells in the Conversion Table are now filled and your original table cell entry contains the same number you entered. The volume in terms of U.S. liquid gallons is 0.3989 gallons, or about 0.4 gallons.

5. Examine and use different online volume calculators. Go to the volume calculators at and calculator sites listed in Resources below. Compare the gallon figure obtained with ABE and rV7. Now compare the cubic inches calculations with each of the calculators. Note that for the Cleaves calculator you have to enter in diameters instead of the radius. Remember that the diameter of a circle is twice the length of the radius. Note the individual features of the calculators, such as ease of use and capabilities.

Tags: cubic inches, circular ends, circular ends barrel, ends barrel, this example