Friday, January 16, 2015

Save Water In The Workplace

Use a water cooler instead of installing water fountains.

Whether you work in an office, factory, hospital, restaurant or school, there are ways to reduce water usage. Businesses can save water usage by replacing inefficient equipment and implementing water-saving operations. By saving water, a business will lower its utility costs, improve its public image and do its part in protecting the environment. Talk to your manager or building maintenance staff about making changes if you see water being wasted in your workplace.


1. Educate employees about saving water by holding a meeting or using posters and displays to raise awareness. Work together to develop methods that will save water.

2. Conduct regular water audits, which utility companies usually offer for free. A water auditor will analyze your business's water use and show you ways to make it more efficient.

3. Install a rain barrel, a container that stores rainwater runoff. A rain barrel connects to a building's rain gutter and has a hose so the water can be used for cleaning purposes or for watering lawns.

4. Take sprinklers off a timing system, and water the grounds only in the morning or evening to reduce water evaporation. Also make sure sprinklers are not aimed at the sidewalk or street.

5. Invest in energy-saving appliances. Install low-flush or dual-flush toilets in bathrooms; they use only 1.6 gallons of water during each flush while standard toilets use 3.5 gallons. In the break room, use an Energy Star label dishwasher and faucets with flow restrictors.

6. Check your water meter after business hours to verify the building is leak free. One small leak can waste up to 100 gallons of water per year, states the South Florida Water Management District.

Tags: gallons water, rain barrel, reduce water, save water, saving water, water usage