Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Design A Cistern

Rainwater can easily be recycled.

Cisterns are designed to collect rainwater to be used for purposes that may have otherwise required tap water, such as gardening. Farmers use cisterns to collect water to give to livestock. Several companies make highly technical versions of cisterns that are involved, complicated and expensive, but you can make your own at home with basic materials that do not require a great deal of skill. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Study the area around your home. Look closely at the current rain drainage system that you have in place. Determine where most rain water falls and plan to create your collection point at that location.

2. Find a large plastic or wooden container such as a large plastic barrel to use as a receptacle. Contact a company in your area that may have a large receptacle that you can buy or take away. Thoroughly clean any debris from the receptacle. Examine the container carefully. Test it by filling it with water and repair any leaks with silicone. Cut a round hole into the bottom front of the container that you can you use for drainage. Size the hole based on a large cork or rubber plug that you will use while collecting rain water.

3. Place your container under the drainpipe or gutter that you have decided to collect from. Position the cistern under a window or in an area with a clear view from the home so you can keep an eye on its content level without having to brave the elements.

4. Remove the cistern after it collects rain and use the water for gardening or to give to your animals to drink. Use the water for hand-washing clothes or vehicles. Remove the water from your cistern through a rubber hose.

Tags: that have, rain water, large plastic, your home