Thursday, January 29, 2015

Measure Rainfall With A Rain Gauge

Rain gauges measure rainfall fairly accurately.

Using a rain gauge is a common method for measuring the amount of rainfall that has occurred over a set period of time, generally one day. A rain gauge is a clear cylinder that catches rainwater as it falls, and it is marked with a measurement scale to facilitate easy reading. Rain gauges are often used by gardeners and homeowners to determine how much and how often to water their lawns and gardens.


1. Clean and completely dry your rain gauge.

2. Place the rain gauge in an open area, away from buildings, trees or any other structure that might drip or funnel water into the gauge and create a false reading.

3. Check your rain gauge at approximately the same time every day. Hold the rain gauge at eye-level and make note of the amount of water present. Rain gauges are marked with a scale, normally in inches or millimeters, which will allow you to measure the water level.

4. Record the amount of water in your rain gauge daily and pour the water out. Make sure to empty the rain gauge completely before returning it to its original position.

Tags: rain gauge, your rain gauge, rain gauge, Rain gauges, your rain, amount water