Friday, February 20, 2015

Make A Barrel Feeder

You can make a barrel bird feeder out of a soda bottle.

Craft bird feeders are often constructed with wood and a tray containing bird seed. However, if you have skunks or raccoons in your yard, they can eat all of the seeds out of a tray-style bird feeder. One solution is to create a barrel bird feeder using a plastic bottle and mesh, which allows the birds to eat from the feeder but prevents skunks or raccoons from getting to the seeds.


1. Cut out a 2-inch hole from the side of an empty 2-liter soda bottle. The hole should be three to four inches from the bottom of the bottle. Discard the cut-out piece.

2. Cut a square from fine wire mesh that measures four inches on all sides.

3. Place the mesh square over the hole and tape around the edges using colorful duct tape. Using colorful tape can make the bird feeder look more decorative. Make sure that the mesh is lying flat.

4. Take the top off of the soda bottle and place a funnel into the opening. Pour bird seed into the bottle through the funnel until the bottle is full. Take out the funnel and screw the top back onto the bottle.

5. Tie a piece of twine tightly around the top of the bottle. Hang up the feeder by the twine.

Tags: bird feeder, soda bottle, barrel bird, barrel bird feeder, bird seed