Friday, February 27, 2015

Harvest Rainwater For Landscape Use

Old-fashioned rain barrels are making a comeback as people look for ways to conserve natural resources.

Money does not literally fall from the sky, but you could save big bucks by harvesting rainwater and reusing it for landscaping. Harvesting and using rainwater also helps cut down on water usage. Many cities in the U.S. ban residents from washing their cars or watering their lawns due to water shortages. Lessen your environmental footprint by harvesting rainwater in your yard. Rain barrels made of plastic or wood are available at many hardware stores. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Plan where you will set up your rainwater collection system. Use any pre-existing downspouts or gutter systems.

2. Dig a hole about 4 to 6 inches deep and fill it with small gravel. This will serve as the base for your barrel.

3. Set cement blocks over the gravel on a level plane or build a wooden base to hold your barrels. Remember that the higher the barrels are stored above the ground, the more pressure the water will have for distribution.

4. Position the rain barrel so that it is centered on the base.

5. Place the screen over the top of the barrel to keep out debris such as leaves.

6. Install a hose for overflow that will empty at least 3 feet from the foundation of your house.

7. Attach a hose to the tap at the base of the barrel. When you are ready to reuse the water for landscaping, this is the point where you will access the water.

Tags: harvesting rainwater, where will