Monday, February 2, 2015

Build An Outdoor Shower

Keeping clean can be a real challenge when camping. Nearby water sources may not be as sanitary as you would like. There may also be too many people around to allow for private bathing, and you could find yourself running afoul of indecent exposure laws. Here's build an outdoor shower at your camp site.


1. First, check your campsite for a high point where you can place the water barrel. If there is a group of trees close together, or a large rock formation above you, that will be easiest. If not, you will have to build a platform.

2. Use four 2" by 4"s, eight feet long each, and eight additional pieces, four feet each. Lay four of the shorter pieces to form a square, with the 4" side making the outside surface. Secure with wood screws.

3. Cut a piece of plywood to fit evenly with the frame made in step 2. Secure with 3/4 inch wood screws or finishing nails, as you prefer. Turn platform upside down with plywood sheet on bottom. Attach the eight feet long 2" by 4"s to outside corners of platform using two carriage bolts on each corner, set diagonally from one another. Place a washer on each bolt before insertion, followed by a lock washer after insertion, then cap with a round headed nut. This is to ensure there are no jagged edges to catch on while showering.

4. Measure four feet from the top edge of the platform along one of the legs, and mark each leg. Attach the remaining four 2" by 4"s as braces, using wood screws. Flip platform so it is standing on its legs. For extra stability, place each leg in a large coffee can filled with quick dry concrete. Lash platform firmly to a tree or other sturdy place to avoid injuries due to tipping. Drill a hole in the top of the barrel if it does not already have one, and put in a stopper with a long enough chain or string to pull easily. Drill a second hole near the bottom of the barrel and add a spigot. Attach hand held shower assembly to the spigot.

5. Cover the shower with the tarp, using rope run through the grommets to keep everything together. Leave an opening at one side to get in and out easily. Be sure the tarp covers at least the top five feet of the shower.Sunlight will warm the barrel enough to have a tepid to warm bath. Turn spigot off while soaping up and back on to rinse.Barrel can be filled with a garden hose or left open to catch rainwater. Use screening over the top if you use it for a rain barrel.

Tags: wood screws, eight feet, eight feet long, feet long, filled with