Thursday, February 12, 2015

Build A Flower Garden

Welcoming Flower Garden

Building a flower garden is a great way to get outside, get some exercise and to enhance the beauty of your yard. It will increase the curb appeal of your home, and the flowers can be cut and brought inside for cheerful arrangements. There are a few details to keep in mind when building your flower garden. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Choose your site. It can be sunny or shady, depending on the kinds of flowers. Generally, the more shade, the more muted the flowers and the more greenery. Sunshine produces bright colorful blossoms. Typically, flower gardens are near the house, usually by the back door, but they can be placed anywhere.

2. Prepare your flower garden by clearing any existing plants and rocks and then digging up the soil to at least 6 inches deep. Rake the ground with a garden rake to level it out. Add some composted yard matter to add nutrients to the soil. Rake again so the ground is flat, smooth and ready for flower plants.

3. Plant some pre-grown flowers for the instant flower garden look. Choose any kinds of flowers that grow in your area. Keep some distance between the plants so they have room to grow. Dig the holes just a few inches deep, remove the plants from their pots, loosen their roots and place them in the holes. Pat the soil around the plants to remove any air pockets.

4. Fill in extra areas with flower seeds by sowing them on the surface of the soil and then gently raking them in. Tiny seeds need very little covering, basically just contact with soil, while larger seeds need about an inch of soil covering them. Keep adding more flowers to your garden when you find room and you will soon have a lush flower garden.

5. Use perennials to give a sense of stability to your garden as they will come back every year. Annuals need to be planted every spring, but are nice for adding a splash of color and variety. Bulbs are best for the early spring flowers and don't take up too much ground space. A couple of ornaments give a sense of character to the garden.

6. Water your flower garden initially after planting and until the plants get established. Continue watering only if the weather is hot and dry for a prolonged time. Use mulch as a moisture barrier and a soil enhancer. Remove any weeds that might take over the bed and keep spent blossoms picked.

Tags: flower garden, your flower, your flower garden, give sense, inches deep, kinds flowers