Thursday, May 7, 2015

Use Buckets To Collect Rainwater

If you are dealing with high water bills or just want to live a little greener, look no further than the sky above your head. Collecting rainwater is a way to save money and reduce the strain on your municipality's water delivery and treatment systems. Rainwater can be used to safely water plants or to perform household chores. Though many kinds of high-tech rainwater collecting barrels exist, you can get started saving water and money with a couple of basic plastic or metal buckets. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine the bucket size best for your needs. According to, every inch of rainfall yields about half a gallon of usable water per square foot. Choose bucket size based on what you will use rainwater for, be it watering a garden or for all your household needs.

2. Place one or more buckets under the spouts of your home's gutters. If you live in an accommodation without gutters, place the rainwater buckets in places free of trees or other obstructions to ensure the highest yield of water every time it rains.

3. Collect the buckets after every substantial rainfall.

Tags: bucket size