Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Store 55gallon Drums

With proper storage, a 55-gallon drum should be usable for years to come.

One of the storage containers you may commonly use is a 55-gallon drum. If your 55-gallon drums are metal, however, moisture can cause them to rust. After enough time goes by, the rust can actually eat through the metal and render the drum useless as a container for liquids. The sun can bleach plastic 55-gallon drums, and heat can warp them into strange shapes. But you can take steps to ensure drums will last for the long haul. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Choose a dry place to store your drums that is out of direct sunlight. Garages and basements work well. Choose a place where the drums will be out of the way, though.

2. Clean out the area. Reorganize the area if necessary to make sure you have plenty of room to store all of your drums in one simple place. Keep them away from any blunt objects that may dent them.

3. Lay down wooden pallets in the area where you will stack the drums if it is in the basement or another area prone to flooding. If the storage area is not a flood risk, simply set down a clean tarp to prevent the drums of scratching the floor.

4. Move the drums into position either on top of the wooden pallets or on top of the tarp. Cover them with a second tarp to protect them from falling moisture that will cause them to rust.

Tags: 55-gallon drum, 55-gallon drums, cause them, cause them rust, Choose place