Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Live In Simplicity

Though simplicity comes in many forms, the choices remain yours.

Simplicity is a lifestyle choice. Some choose to live in the fast lane, some choose to live on the edge, and others choose to live in simplicity. To live in simplicity means to be free of the complexities of material pursuits, and to do what becomes natural upon being freed.

This being said, there are no hard and fast rules that you must follow in order to live in simplicity. Individual circumstances may vary. There are, however, certain guidelines that do apply, regardless of circumstance. The one constant is that the choices you make in order to simplify are conscious choices.


1. Reduce any current debt, and avoid new debt. Pay in cash for what you need, and let go of the use of credit cards. Make major purchases, such as a home, your only purchase on credit, if necessary. In other words, live within your means to live in simplicity.

2. Rid your home and your life of unnecessary clutter. Sell, donate, recycle, or toss items that you don't use, don't want, or don't love. Keep what is essential to your own sense of well-being. Think simplicity, not deprivation. Simplicity is the goal.

3. Grow whatever food you have the means to grow. This includes not only a garden, but also chickens for meat and/or eggs and anything else you might enjoy and have room for. Fish if you live near a suitable body of water, or hunt frogs if you have a mind to. Cultivate an appreciation for the food you eat, and enjoy the simple task of growing and harvesting.

4. Live your life in the present. Do what needs to be done today, and take the time to enjoy each task as you do it. This doesn't mean throw caution to the wind and to live recklessly, by any means. To the contrary, it is as much about preparing for what's next as it is about enjoying today (i.e. summer gardening tasks prepare you for fall food preservation, which prepares you to cook winter meals).

5. Live in harmony with the cycles of nature as much as possible. This may mean planting a garden in the spring, and canning the harvest in late summer. It could also mean putting out rain barrels to gather water during a rainy season, or gathering firewood in the fall to fuel the fireplace throughout the winter. The degree and extent of what you do is up to you.

Tags: live simplicity, choose live, home your, your life