Friday, December 5, 2014

Estimate Costs Of A Roof Tank

Large plastic barrels work well as water storage tanks.

Roof tanks are a type of water collection system that gathers rainwater as it runs off the eaves of a building. This water is filtered through a screen and used to water plants and gardens. It's a cost-effective way of reusing rainwater instead of paying for city water. It also works well in areas where there is a limited amount of water. These tanks cost money to build, but they generally pay for themselves by providing free water. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine what type of roof tank you are going to make. Write down the list of items you need for the project. The supplies include a large 55-gallon drum, spigot, gutter extensions, brackets, strainer, 10-gallon bucket, a saw and utility knife.

2. Note where you will get the items on your list. The most expensive part is usually the 55-gallon rain barrel used to collect the water. Look into reusing existing items or finding second-hand ones to keep down costs. Use a large barrel or drum that is clean inside. Avoid any containers that previously held toxic or synthetic substances.

3. Determine an estimate beside each item for how much you plan to spend on the parts that you don't already have. Total up the estimate and round it to the nearest $5 to provide extra room in your budget.
