Friday, April 24, 2015

How Safe Is Rain Barrel Water

Rain barrels are commonly placed next to the house.

When areas impose watering restrictions, those with rain barrels can collect water run-off naturally for use on plants around the garden. Does this Spark an idea?


Example of a spigot.

Rain barrels can vary in shape, size and construction materials. Newer models feature flat-backed barrels for placement directly next to the home, a debris filter and water level indicators. Most barrels include spigots for emptying water into watering cans or for water hose attachment.

Roof Type

Roof type will determine the cleanliness of water.

Water may be unsafe to drink from roofs made of "organic materials" because they tend to grow mold and algae. Traditional asphalt shingles also pose a problem because they can retain debris, such as bird feces.


Rain wash systems work by collecting the first portion of run-off water into one container, where debris and contaminates will be housed, with the remaining water sent to another container.

Drinking Water

Rain water collected from the roof is safe for drinking after being purified.

Rain water collected with the intent of being used as drinking water should be filtered for the utmost purity with either a microfiltration system, ionization or a UV filter.


Rinse soil off produce with the cleanest water possible.

Collected water is safe for irrigation when a rain water system is used, and debris has been filtered from the water. However, the FDA suggests rinsing produce with the highest quality of water available before consuming it.


The biggest benefit of rain barrel water collection is a reduced water bill. Other benefits include recycling water.

Tags: because they, produce with, Rain water, Rain water collected, water collected, water into