Friday, October 17, 2014

Recycle Wine Barrels

Get more uses out of your wine barrel after enjoying your wine.

Recycling wine barrels saves money and is good for the environment. The wood would be wasted if you didn't utilize the wine barrel when you are done with it. The average oak barrel lasts only about three years, and after that it can no longer be used for wine again. But there are other things you can do with your wine barrel--create a garden, make a table and chairs and use it to water your garden. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clean out your old wine barrel by filling it with water for about a week to clean out any wine residue. Empty the barrel and let it dry.

2. Cut your wine barrel in half with a saw vertically or bring it to a hardware store to have it cut in half for you.

3. Turn one half of the barrel over with the open side down to decorate a garden.

4. Turn a half barrel over with the open side up and put a small garden inside it.

5. Use the whole barrel as a small cocktail table.

6. Cut the barrel in half horizontally, then cut four arches into the bottom part of the cut barrel to create legs and leave the top in half. You now have a coffee table.

7. Transform your old wine barrel into a rain barrel to harvest rain water. Use the rain water to water your garden.

8. Use the wood to create other furniture such as chairs, kitchen island and coffee tables. Sand down the wood and stain it different colors.

Tags: your wine, wine barrel, your wine barrel, barrel half, barrel over