Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Clean A 55gallon Barrel

Use a hose to help wash the barrel.

Clean out a 55-gallon barrel in between uses. Not only does regular cleaning keep the barrel clean, but also it prevents cross-contamination of the items inside. Baking soda removes stains and odors from the surface. It's abrasive texture helps scrub off dirt. Vinegar kills the germs in the barrel, and removes lime, calcium, mold or algae that may be stuck to the inside. Because baking soda and vinegar are natural cleaners, you don't have to worry about harmful fumes. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Pour one 16-ounce box of baking soda into the barrel. Sprinkle the baking soda around the entire bottom of the barrel. You can also splash some on the sides.

2. Pour in 1 quart of water. Dip the scrub brush into the water and baking soda. Scrub the sides of the barrel with the mixture. Scrub the outside of the barrel.

3. Fill the barrel 1/4 full with water. Pour in 1/2 gallon of white distilled vinegar. Stand out of the way while the vinegar and baking soda react. The liquid may bubble up significantly.

4. Empty the contents of the barrel. Vinegar will kill plants, so be careful where you dump it.

5. Lay the barrel on its side on a dry surface, such as concrete, and rinse it out with a hose. Set the barrel upright. Spray off the sides.

6. Set the barrel out to dry.

Tags: baking soda, barrel Clean, sides barrel