Bitmap editing software can be used to create realistic-looking raindrops.
Sometimes, even a well-composed photograph could benefit from some minor digital enhancements. Photo editing software can create extraordinary elements in photographs, or simply heighten what is already there. A digitally produced raindrop, for example, might be just the thing a photo needs to catch a viewer's attention. Creating a raindrop in a photograph is a fairly simple task, and the result is rather convincing.
1. Double-click the desktop icon for the bitmap editing software to launch it, or click "Start," then "Programs" and select the bitmap editing software from the programs list.
2. Click "File," then "Open." Navigate to the folder on your computer where the digital photo is stored, select it and click "Open" to open it in the editor's workspace.
3. Click "Layer," then "New" to create a transparent layer on top of the photo.
4. Click "Tools," then "Circle" or "Ellipse."
5. Click and drag in the workspace to create a circle or oval that is about the size of the raindrop you wish to create.
6. Click "Foreground Color" and set it to black. Click "Background Color" and set it to white.
7. Click "Tools," then click "Gradient."
8. Click and drag from one side of the oval shape to the other to make a gradient that smoothly fades from black to white.
9. Click "Layer," then "Blend Mode," and select "Overlay." Make sure the layer oval layer is selected as you do this.
10. Click "Blending Options." Under "Drop Shadow," set "Opacity" to 50, "Angle" to 160, "Distance" to 7, and "Size" to 5. "Inner Shadow" settings should be similar, except "Opacity" should be greater (~75) and "Distance" should be smaller (~5).
11. Create a new layer.
12. Click "Tools," then "Brush." Click somewhere in the middle of the raindrop to make a small white dot. This gives the raindrop a "glow" effect.
Tags: editing software, Click Tools, Click Tools then, Tools then, bitmap editing, bitmap editing software