Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Purchase Solar Panels For A Small House

There are a few questions you will need to answer before you purchase solar panels for a small house. Now that they have become an affordable option for many homeowners, there are many reputable dealers and manufacturers of solar panels. Many states offer financing incentives to residents who choose to purchase and install solar panels, and when you consider that a robust solar electric system can cost $20,000, those rebates can be a real help. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Decide which system in your home you would like to replace with a solar-powered system. Which kind of power would you like to generate? Solar electric systems turn the sun's heat into electricity, but there are also systems available for heating water or generating heat for the home.

2. Make sure you have the right kind of roof to install solar panels. You will need at least 120 square feet, and a flat, south-facing roof is best. A sunny west- or east-facing roof can also produce a lot of power. If your roof is not an option for installation, you might choose a ground-mount, trellis or pergola-style application.

3. Make sure you get enough sun on your home during daylight hours to generate the power you need. Take a minute to view a solar insolation map to determine how many average hours of sun your area gets. Shade will prevent your panels from absorbing the light they need to generate power.

4. Choose a system with or without battery backup power. Systems without a battery backup will not generate electricity at night or in a power outage, and cloudy days will produce very little electricity. If you choose a system without a battery, your utility provider will supply you with electricity in those off-hours. A battery backup system stores energy and can provide the energy you need at night or during an outage or on a cloudy day.

5. Decide whether you want an aggressive, off-grid power system or only a partial----and less expensive----grid-tie system. If you have a small cabin in a secluded area, an off-grid system might be just what you need. Consult a solar power expert to design the right off-grid system for your power needs. Generally, houses without battery backups need to be tied to the power grid so they get the power they need when their system is down or cannot absorb light.

Tags: without battery, battery backup, solar panels, generate power, install solar, install solar panels, Make sure