Thursday, October 1, 2015

Homemade Mosquito Larvae Killer

If you live near water, there's a constant threat of mosquitoes. Since mosquitoes in the larvae stage inhabit the water, feeding off algae and other bacteria, you may be bitten numerous times without even realizing it if you aren't protected. This can sometimes lead to a more serious condition. Using a few ingredients will kill the mosquito larvae and protect you from bites. Does this Spark an idea?

Thai Lemongrass

Thai lemongrass is a natural insecticide that kills mosquito larvae and is most effective in plant form. Purchase it at any organic market or grown your own. If you'll be spending time in the water, this is a natural way to protect yourself and kill any larvae that may swim to the surface to feed on you.

Simply take a fresh stalk of lemongrass by grasping it near the ground and pulling it sideways. This will break off the clumpy part. Peel any surrounding leaves and break off the blades behind the stem of the base. Then, using your fingers, bend the stem and rub generously, so that the juicy mass is excreted into your palm. Apply the mixture to your entire body and you're ready to enter the water. This application usually last for four to five hours. If you'll be spending more time in the water, apply the mixture again.

Herbal Insect Repellent

Here's another environment-friendly recipe to kill mosquito larvae while you're in the water. Use 2½ tsp. of two of the following essential oils: cedarwood, rose geranium, citronella, pine or juniper. Purchase them at any health store. You'll also need 1 cup of 190-proof grain alcohol. Combine these ingredients in a jar. Tightly seal it and shake well. This mixture can also be stored in smaller bottles for later. Apply the mixture to any exposed parts of the skin, but do a patch test first to ensure that you skin won't react adversely. Also dab some of the mixture on clothing.


Mosquito larvae are also drawn to standing water, particularly during the rainy season. If you have a backyard fountain, this recipe will kill them. Place two garlic bulbs and two hot peppers in a blender with ½ cup of water. Blend the ingredients and strain. Add enough water to the concentrate to make 1 gallon the garlic pesticide. For additional strength, add 2 tbsp. of vegetable oil. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle and coat the surface of the fountain.

Tags: mosquito larvae, kill mosquito, kill mosquito larvae, time water, will kill