Friday, November 7, 2014

Rain Barrel Drip Irrigation

Gravity drip irrigation is a highly efficient, inexpensive form of watering that can save you water, energy and time. You can save even more water and time by connecting a rain barrel to a gravity system as a reservoir. Does this Spark an idea?


Gravity drip irrigation systems have no pumps or other machinery. Instead, they consist of nothing more than a barrel or tank of water with a hose running out the bottom. Gravity forces water down the tube, where it can slowly leak out drip holes along the tube.

Rain Collecting

Place a 50-gallon barrel underneath the downspout of your house's gutter to collect rainwater. It will collect the rain that falls on your roof.


Run the irrigation hose out of the rain collection barrel. This will save you the time and water needed for filling the irrigation system's reservoir. Once you set up the system, you may never need to do another thing to irrigate your garden or lawn.

Tags: drip irrigation, Gravity drip, Gravity drip irrigation, system reservoir