Monday, November 10, 2014

Locate The Addresses For Pepsico Manufacturing Plants

PepsiCo, like most major public companies, does not keep its manufacturing plant locations a secret, but the company doesn't make a list of its factories readily available. However, PepsiCo's facilities all have environmental permits, and you can query government-permit systems to find factory names and addresses across the country.


1. Visit the website of the Multisystem facilities-search database, part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Envirofacts portal for accessing environmental information in government records (see Resource).

2. Enter "Pepsi" in the "Facility Site Name" field and select the "Containing" button to find all facility names containing "Pepsi."

3. Scroll near the page bottom and click "Search" to get a list of several hundred Pepsi facilities, with full names and addresses.

4. Use "PepsiCo" rather than "Pepsi" as the facility name to produce a much smaller list of results.

Tags: names addresses