Monday, August 10, 2015

Pick A Rain Barrel

High water bills during the summer months are common due to lawn and garden watering. If you cringe when you see an envelope from the water company, a rain barrel might ease the blow to your wallet. Rain barrels take advantage of free rainwater as it runs off your home's roof. The options range from simple barrels to intricate systems of pumps and barrels, making the rain barrel selection process a difficult one. Analyzing your needs for the rain barrel results in a solid investment that allows you to harvest rainwater. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine how you will use the rainwater collected in the rain barrel. The specific use for the water can impact the best type of rain barrel for your needs. Rainwater is often used for watering gardens and lawns, or washing vehicles and other outdoor items.

2. Identify the location for the rain barrel. Choose a flat area to prevent tipping.

3. Measure the area available for the rain barrel. Consider permanent structures as well as trees or bushes that might interfere with the rain barrel.

4. Determine the size of rain barrel you want, considering the available space and your watering needs. If you only plan to water a small garden, you won't need a large rain barrel. If you plan to water your entire lawn, a larger barrel is necessary.

5. Look for a feature that prevents overflow. This might include a feature that pushes the water back into the downspout or one that runs the water away from the home. Overflowing water near the foundation is a recipe for damage to the home. The repair costs for a damaged foundation easily outweigh any cost savings from the rain barrel.

6. Choose a rain barrel with a lid that fits tightly. This prevents algae from growing and keeps out animals.

7. Consider any extra features you want on the rain barrel. Options include a water filtration system, water distribution pumps or bacteria-killing UV lights. Consider these options if you plan to use the water for a vegetable garden to avoid contaminating the food.

Tags: rain barrel, rain barrel, plan water, barrel Choose, feature that