Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Convert A Whiskey Barrel To A Rain Barrel

Whether you're watering a garden or washing a car, using a rain barrel will save money on your water bill and help the environment at the same time. This fairly simple conversion has the added benefit of recycling the used whiskey barrel so that it doesn't end up in a landfill. According to Better Homes and Gardens, if your roof is 500 square feet and you collect the runoff from 1 inch of rainfall, you'll have 300 gallons of water to use in your garden. Since a whiskey barrel will hold 50 gallons or so, you may want to eventually connect multiple barrels, but a single barrel will give you a great start. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the size and shape of your filter basket and mark cut lines on the top of the barrel. Filter baskets are available at many hardware stores and online at rain barrel supply stores.

2. Cut a hole in the top of the barrel to snugly fit your filter basket. Sand any rough edges, then insert the filter.

3. Determine the desired height of your water flow spigot (keeping in mind plans to elevate the barrel, height of your favorite watering can, etc.) and drill a 15/16-inch hole.

4. Thread a washer onto the spigot and screw it into the drilled hole. Use caulk to help create a tight seal. Tighten with pliers.

5. Cut a 15/16-inch hole near the top of the barrel at least 2 to 3 inches from the bottom of your filter screen. This overflow valve can be anywhere around the barrel. Use it to direct water overflow into a nearby water garden, a second rain barrel, or just away from the house foundation.

6. Add a washer to the 3/4-inch valve and screw into the hole tightly, using caulk to ensure a secure fit. Tighten with pliers.

7. Determine the height of your barrel, including any platform you plan to use, and the height of your drainpipe diverter, and cut the existing drainpipe at that point.

8. Install the drainpipe diverter (installation instructions will be included with your specific model) and place the barrel underneath the newly diverted flow.

Tags: height your, barrel will, rain barrel, your filter, 16-inch hole, drainpipe diverter