Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Black Worms Grown From Mildew

Of all the insect pests that invade indoor spaces, drain flies may be among the most curious. These tiny flies live and breed in moist areas in and around the home. They tend to stay there unless given a compelling reason to leave. Because drain flies prefer areas with excessive moisture, locating that moisture as well as things that result from it, such as mold and mildew, can help in the control of drain flies. Does this Spark an idea?

Drain Flies

Adult drain flies seek out areas of standing water (water that has been contaminated with bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms is particularly attractive) and lay eggs there. The eggs hatch in as little as 32 to 48 hours, and the resulting larvae grow into small, black, worm-like larvae, causing some homeowners to mistakenly believe that their plumbing is infested with worms when they are actually observing drain fly maggots.

Mildew and Drain Flies

Drain flies most commonly are found in the gelatinous film that develops on the inside of plumbing as well as in overflow pipes, sewage disposal beds, septic tanks, moist compost, dirty garbage containers, rain barrels and tree holes. Their larvae feed on micro-organisms and organic material in contaminated water as they grow, so drain flies are always more likely to lay eggs in leaky appliances that have begun to grow mildew and mold. In the absence of organic material and contaminants in water, the drain flies are more likely to move to a different breeding site.


Their tendency for mildewy, moist environments can greatly increase the effectiveness of a drain fly control program. Look for areas inside and out with mildew growth, and inspect for adult drain flies hovering around the area. If adult drain flies are evident, the best control method is to eliminate the source of extra moisture (repair a leaky plumbing pipe, for instance) and to remove the mildew growth. Because drain flies tend to accumulate on the gelatinous film inside plumbing, total control may require the inside of the pipe be cleaned with a pipe cleaner or an active bacterial complex gel.


Occasionally the contamination and decay that houses the drain flies may be too deep inside plumbing to completely eradicate. In these case, control mildew growth and other contamination wherever possible. Contact insecticides containing pyrethrins or resmethrin will kill adult drain flies on contact, but as long as the contamination remains in place, more drain flies will continue to live and breed there until sanitation and exclusion measures force them to leave.

Tags: drain flies, drain flies, adult drain, drain flies, inside plumbing, mildew growth