Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Pump To A Rain Barrel

Collect that rain in a rain barrel.

Rain barrels are a great way to save water and conserve at home. They collect rainwater which would otherwise have run into a drain so that you can use it to water your plants or do other household tasks. Most standard rain barrels just have a spigot for you to open to fill a watering can. If this is too slow for you and you need to remove lots of rainwater from your barrel, add a pump. Rain barrel pumps are small, portable and come in a variety of colors. You can choose between a manual, electric or battery-operated pump. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place your pump into your rain barrel. The rain barrel pump is housed in a plastic casing with a on and off switch, intake and a plastic hose sticking out of it. The pump goes into the rain barrel. You can submerge the machine anywhere in the barrel. If your rain barrel pump is an external electric pump, it may have two tubes sticking out of it. In this case, identify the suction tube by its label and insert the suction tube into the rain barrel pump.

2. Insert the hose connected to your rain barrel pump into the receptacle you want to transfer the water into. This receptacle might be a bucket or watering can. Once your rain barrel pump is operating, the water will pour out from this hose.

3. Turn the rain barrel pump on. Wait thirty seconds, and water should be pumping from the rain barrel through the hose into your watering can or bucket. If you have a manual rain barrel pump, turn the crank to pump water from the rain barrel into the bucket.

Tags: barrel pump, rain barrel, rain barrel pump, rain barrel, your rain, your rain barrel, from rain