Friday, September 25, 2015

Recycle Wash Water

Reuse your bath water on your plants.

According to the UMass extension, wash water (also called gray water) can be leftover water from a bathtub, kitchen sink, bathroom sink, dishwasher, shower, or washing machine. Wash water can be collected and used to water indoor plants, outdoor gardens, and even entire lawns. This process allows homeowners to conserve water, and save money, although collecting the water can sometimes be considered a chore. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Plug or cover the drain in your bathtub before you turn the water on to take a bath or shower.

2. Set a bucket in the shower while you are waiting for the water to heat up and then remove it. Transfer this clean water to a watering can and use it to water your indoor plants.

3. Take your shower or bath as you normally would, but don't unplug the drain when you are finished. Step out, dry off, and get dressed. Come back to the water and carry it out to your outdoor plants using a bucket.

4. Use a dish pan to collect the dish water you use to wash your dishes. When you are done, you can carry the dish pan outside and pour it on the plants you need to water.

5. Set up a rain barrel outside. Pour any water that is leftover and not needed for the day in the rain barrel. Rain barrels have spouts that you can connect your garden hose to. Use this spout to release the wash water inside if you need to water a large area, such as your entire lawn.

Tags: indoor plants, need water, rain barrel, water your