Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Link Rain Barrels

Rainwater can be harvested and stored for future use.

In a water conservation effort, some have turned to the ancient practice of harvesting rainfall. This practice is beneficial for areas that are prone to drought conditions or that face water usage restrictions from municipal water sources. To harvest rainfall, typically a collection system is installed on a roof with the water diverted into a rain barrel or cistern. When using rain barrels for rainwater collection, two or more barrels can be linked together to allow for greater water collection. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Drill a 15/16-inch hole in each barrel approximately two inches from the tops of the barrels.

2. Screw the male-threaded 3/4-inch PVC connectors into the holes of each barrel. Add clear silicone around the fittings on the outsides of the barrels.

3. Measure and cut the 3/4-inch PVC pipe to the needed length to join the barrels. Before measuring, make sure the barrels are placed in the position where they will be set up.

4. Glue each end of the section of PVC pipe cut in the previous step to the PVC connector in each barrel. Before applying glue to PVC pipes, it is important to use PVC primer.

Tags: each barrel