Monday, October 5, 2015

Use A Rain Barrel For A Sprinkler System

A one-inch rainfall on a 1,000-square-foot rooftop will produce 600 gallons of water runoff. This water, while not suitable for drinking, is perfect for watering flowerbeds and lawns. To collect and distribute this otherwise wasted water is the job of the rain barrel. Does this Spark an idea?


Use a Rain Barrel for a Sprinkler System

1. Install the downspout divert. Select a downspout close to the location where you plan to put the rain barrel. Since many of these diverts use a type of garden hose, you do not have to locate the barrel directly beneath the downspout.

2. Locate your rain barrel. If using a decorative barrel you can place it in the open. If using a plain barrel or other collection device, you may want to conceal it behind a shrub or fence. Mounting the barrel on concrete blocks will improve water flow.

3. Install the plumbing. Plumbing kits often come with store-bought rain barrels. Install the faucet at the base of the barrel. Be certain to position the faucet where it is easily accessible. A 55-gallon barrel full of water weighs more than 450 pounds.

4. Run the watering system. A rain barrel by itself will not have the water pressure needed to supply multiple sprinkler heads. Your best bet is to use a soaker hose. It makes efficient use of water because little if any is lost to evaporation.

5. Consider purchasing a timer for your rain barrel. The timer is simple, inexpensive and requires no wiring. The basic unit shuts the water off after a set period of time. More sophisticated units will turn water off and on at set times each day.

Tags: your rain barrel, Barrel Sprinkler, Barrel Sprinkler System, rain barrel, rain barrel, Rain Barrel Sprinkler, Sprinkler System